Publications and Resources

Introducing the New Institute Insider Newsletter

The Insider, the Institute’s flagship newsletter, for the latest coverage and education around academic, legal and regulatory, business development, investment, retirement, and wealth management topics.


In an ever-evolving financial advising landscape, Certified Success requires being informed about current and emerging innovations, trends, and strategies that will serve your clients’ best interests.

Investments & Wealth Review

Investments & Wealth Review is IWI’s bimonthly magazine, written by award-winning authors from academic institutions and leading financial firms. Immerse yourself in current industry news and thought-provoking articles on the investment, legal, regulatory, business development, retirement, and wealth management topics that matter most to you and your clients.

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Journal of Investment Consulting

The Journal of Investment Consulting is a respected, peer-reviewed academic publication that brings to life the latest empirical, graduate-level research into investment strategies, risk management, behavioral finance, applications of AI in wealth management—and more. In each issue, look for the Masters Series interview with leading visionaries in finance, economics, and investments.

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Retirement Management Journal

The peer-reviewed Retirement Management Journal promotes academic research and innovative thinking across the world of retirement-income planning and management, elevating topics directly related to the Retirement Management Advisor® (RMA®) curriculum. Each issue features a Visionaries Series interview with retirement planning authorities and experts from industry-leading firms.

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Wealth Management Editors Choice eJournal

Each quarter, the Wealth Management Editor’s Choice eJournal delivers a curated selection of leading academic research from the Social Science Research Network (SSRN). Dive into topics that elevate the practices of wealth management, behavioral finance, wealth growth and preservation, and risk management and support the Certified Private Wealth Advisor® (CPWA®) body of knowledge.

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IWI Research Publication and Resources

Investments & Wealth Institute knows that a healthy, dynamic financial advising profession must embrace purposeful innovation. To that end, we support rigorous, ongoing research and discovery, both inside our organization and across the industry.

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Get the latest coverage and education on academic, legal and regulatory, business development, investment, retirement, and wealth management topics. Subscribe to our monthly flagship newsletter, Institute Insider, or choose the topic-focused editions that serve you best.

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IWI Publications Mobile App

Read current and past issues of Investments & Wealth Review, the Journal of Investment Consulting, and the Retirement Management Journal on this fully mobile-responsive app. This modern app lets you

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Books from IWI

Delve more deeply into the complexities of portfolio and wealth management for retirement planning in these captivating and comprehensive books.

Retirement As a Risky Project

Investors, investment advisors, and trustees of irrevocable family trusts face the challenge of providing sustainable periodic cash flows from financial asset portfolios. As the title suggests, this study gives primary emphasis to retirement-income planning for private investors. Initially, the retirement-planning process focuses on designing a portfolio (usually in terms of strategic or tactical asset allocation approaches), deciding on spending (withdrawal) elections, memorializing decisions in a written investment policy statement, and implementing the portfolio through the acquisition of investments.

Purchase Retirement as a Risky Project

50 States of Gray

Another retirement crisis is looming as one-third of private-sector, typically poor and unsophisticated workers, probably have little to no pension security. The fifty states have decided to enact reforms, but they are unwilling to assume any liability. Effective reform should ensure a target, guaranteed, inflation/standard-of-living-indexed retirement income through death. The book proposes a four-step reform process that articulates roles, responsibilities, and sequencing of steps to effectively address the looming retirement crisis.

Purchase 50 States of Gray on Amazon

Investment Sense Blog

Get insights on wealth management and financial advice industry trends, breaking news, and the latest updates on Institute certifications, conferences, and learning opportunities.

Browse the Investment Sense Blog

Exceptional Advisor Podcast

Tune in online or on your favorite podcast app twice each month for candid conversations about emerging strategies and trends in investment and wealth management, inspiring client confidence and loyalty, and communicating the competencies that make you exceptional.

Transforming Wealth Management with Technology

Dec 7, 2023

Rashmi Badwe, COO of TIAA Wealth Management, discusses how technology like AI can enhance client service and the convergence of capabilities across financial domains.

What Financial Advisors Need To Know About 403(b) Retirement Plans

Nov 21, 2023

In episode 117 of the Exceptional Advisor Podcast guests Dan Otter and Scott Dauenhauer of 403bwise discuss the issues with 403(b) retirement plans commonly used by teachers and the opportunities for financial advisors to help teachers save adequately for retirement.

Why AI Poses a Mortal Threat to Financial Advisors

Oct 19, 2023

Bob Powell and David Alan Macchia discuss the implications of artificial intelligence (AI) for the financial advisory profession. Macchia highlights AI's potential advantages, such as cost-efficiency and a unique user experience, but also acknowledges its current limitations in providing accurate advice.

Washington Insights

Every issue of this monthly column is packed with timely legislative and regulatory updates impacting financial advisors, retirement planners, and wealth management professionals across the nation and around the industry.

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