Investments & Wealth Institute Board of Directors
Building a thriving financial advisory profession requires a clear understanding of the challenges in our industry now.
Even more important is determining what roadmap to follow that addresses those challenges and ensures future success.
Setting our strategic vision is the main responsibility of IWI’s board of directors.

A 13-member board of directors governs Investments & Wealth Institute (IWI). The board includes four officers, a past chair who serves one additional office term, and the executive director, who holds an ex-officio role on the board. All board members are volunteers offering their time and leadership in the interest of helping our association—and our members—evolve and advance our profession.
Board members are selected through a nominating process that helps ensure that as a group, the board brings a rich cross-section of experience and represents a breadth of industry voices.
All board members are actively working in financial advice and wealth management in roles from practitioners to researchers to academics. They bring a variety of perspectives—from independent firms and regional brokerages to large wirehouses and global banks.
To ensure the efficacy of our strategic initiatives, the board receives input from closely connected IWI volunteer committees. These committees provide valuable feedback and perspective from active members, covering sections such as certification, conferences, and wealth management.
Read on to meet the current Investments & Wealth Institute Board of Directors.