Member Spotlights

Get to know your IWI certified advisor peers. Read this month’s Member Spotlight, as well as previous spotlights, and learn more about the community of success-minder advisors like you; committed to life-long learning, adherence to ethical standards, and the advancement of the financial advice industry.

Meet Your Peers in the Investment & Wealth Institute

Jennifer Mulrooney, CIMA®, CRPS®, AIF®, RPA

What do you like about being a member of the Institute?
I really appreciate the wide range of educational resources offered by the Institute including webinars, conferences, and certifications. These resources help members stay current on industry trends, and enhance their professional knowledge and skills.

What is the best financial advice you have received or given?
Work to learn, not to earn money. It's a piece of advice given in the book, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad". Being an expert is valued, regardless of your role and it's also the key to standing out from the competition.

What is something not many people know about you?
I am a second-degree black belt passionate about teaching self-defense classes to women in our industry.

Is there a specific way your designation has enhanced your career?
I spent the first 20+ years of my career on selling and servicing retirement plans (401(k), pension plans, and nonqualified plans) before joining American Century Investments. Gaining the CIMA® designation enhanced my knowledge of the investment products used within these plans and my ability to be more consultative with my clients.

What is your favorite book or what are you currently reading?
My favorite book is The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch 

What are you most grateful for in your life?
I know the question asks what I am most grateful for in my life but it is too difficult to pick just one thing. I am most grateful for:

- Good Health
- Strong family, personal and professional relationships
- Having access to opportunities, both personally and professionally, that provide enrichment and personal growth.

Past Spotlights

Chad Holmes

Daniel Beckerman

Calvin Richardson

Craig Vassell

Kimanshu Shah

Valerie Bowman

Daniel Gao

Samuel Ogbonna

Brian Murello

Thomas Richter

Radene Gordon-Beck

Eric Kala

Moe Allain

Chad Hauser

Did You Know?

Your Membership Just Got an Upgrade

IWI is proud to announce brand new benefits for our members. These new membership tiers are designed to offer advisors multiple pathways and powerful tools as they journey towards that success.

Learn More