IWI Publications: Contributor Guidelines

Investments & Wealth Institute welcomes contributed articles and research papers to our world-class publications, Investments & Wealth Monitor, Journal of Investment Consulting, and Retirement Management Journal.

Start here to contribute your work.

How to Submit an Article to Investments & Wealth Institute Publications


Understand your publication, audience, and topic.

Investments & Wealth Monitor

Our bimonthly flagship magazine offers articles that are educational in nature. Articles may not be used for self-promotion, to promote sales of products or services, or to discuss fees or fee structures.

Explore Topics in Upcoming Issues


Our academic journals invite papers from academics and qualified practitioners that provide graduate-level development of theory and applied research as well as new information, ideas, and insights on the chosen topic.

Explore Journal of Investment Consulting Topics
Explore Retirement Management Journal Topics

Prepare your manuscript.

While each IWI publication has specific delivery requirements, all publications follow The Chicago Manual of Style and use endnotes—not footnotes—as defined in Chicago’s Documentation II for endnotes and references.

  • Take the time to fully develop your material.

  • When you refer to other studies, formulae, works, or authors, provide appropriate context.

  • Spell out acronyms, define all terms, and use visual illustrations such as graphs, charts, figures, and tables to support understanding.


Submit your manuscript.

Once you have completed your article, verify that you’ve met the formatting requirements, then submit materials by email to IWI’s Editorial Director, Debbie Nochlin.

Manuscript Requirements for Investments & Wealth Monitor
Manuscript Requirements for Journals
Email Your Submission

Respond to requests for revisions.

  • Every article is reviewed by the publication’s editorial board for relevance, accuracy, and proof of thought

  • Journal articles undergo double-blind review by at least three peer reviewers.

  • Authors will receive designed proofs for final review before publication.


Complete and return the publishing permission form.

  • Acceptance or rejection decisions are made by the respective editorial boards of IWI publications.

  • Editorial board decisions are final.

  • No article will be published without the author’s written consent.

Investments & Wealth Monitor Manuscript Requirements

What to know before you write.

Article length: 1,500-3,500 words

Format: Microsoft Word, full-page format, Times New Roman 12pt

Bio: Author name(s), credentials, title, firm, city/state, school(s)/degree(s), email addresses

Graphics: Submit figures separately in EPS, Excel, or high-resolution PDF files with a resolution of 300 dpi or greater. Embed graphics in the Word file to show placement only.

Tables: Excel or Word table format

Equations: Use Symbol font in Word

Endnotes: Use endnotes as defined in Chicago’s Documentation II for endnotes and references.

References: Each entry in the reference list must correspond to a work cited in the text using Chicago's author-date citation style.

Photographs: Digital photographs, at least 300 dpi resolution, in jpeg or tiff format

Investments & Wealth Monitor 2024-2025 Editorial Calendar


Submission Deadline

September/October 2024

Investment Management Essentials

June 28, 2024

November/December 2024

Rethinking Retirement

August 30, 2024

January/February 2025

Understanding the Advice Industry

October 4, 2024

March/April 2025

Tax Matters: The Tax Issue

December 13, 2024

May/June 2025

Family Wealth Best Practices

February 28, 2025

July/August 2025

The Portfolio and Your Practice

April 25, 2025

September/October 2025

Re-Programming Retirement/Deciphering the Government Benefit Blueprint

June 27, 2025

November/December 2025

The Aspirational Advisor

August 29, 2025

Contributor Guidelines for IWI Journals

What to know before you write.

Manuscript length: 6,000-8,000 words; longer articles are considered dependent on topic, treatment, and reader interest

Format: Microsoft Word, full-page format, Times New Roman 12pt

Abstract: Include at the beginning of your manuscript

Bio: Author name(s), credentials, title, firm, city/state, school(s)/degree(s), email addresses

Graphics: Submit figures separately in EPS, Excel, or high-resolution PDF files with a resolution of 300 dpi or greater. Embed graphics in the Word file to show placement only.

Tables: Excel or Word table format

Equations: Use Symbol font in Word

Endnotes: Use endnotes as defined in Chicago’s Documentation II for endnotes and references.

References: Each entry in the reference list must correspond to a work cited in the text using Chicago's author-date citation style.

Photographs: Digital photographs, at least 300 dpi resolution, in jpeg or tiff format

Journal of Investment Consulting: Recommended Topics

Submission deadline for the 2024 issue is April 30, 2024.

Investment and wealth management

Traditional (equity, duration, credit) and alternative (real estate, commodity, private equity) asset premia

Asset allocation

Security selection

Currency management

Factor investing

Behavioral finance

Impact investing

Investment vehicles (separate accounts, mutual funds, hedge funds, ETFs, derivatives)

Investment due diligence

Manager search and selection

Portfolio construction

Risk management

Modeling tail risk

Transaction costs

Trading algorithms

Performance analysis and attribution

Retirement Management Journal: Recommended Topics

Submission deadline for the fall 2024 issue is July 31, 2024.

Behavioral finance and retirement

How the aging of the U.S. population will affect retirement security

Effects of rising interest rates on lifecycle saving and retirement investments

Methods to assess retirement readiness

Retirement-income sources

Calculating expenses in retirement

Effects of debt on retirement security

Tactics and strategies to manage and mitigate retirement risks

Effects of shocks on retirement-income sustainability

Novel ways to structure retirement-income portfolios

Strategies and tactics to improve tax-efficient savings and withdrawals

Comparing phased and non-phased retirement outcomes

Improving retirement outcomes for underrepresented populations

Improving consumption sustainability over the life cycle

Implications of lifetime-income products for defined contribution plans

Lifetime-income illustrations for participants

Contingent-deferred annuities

Coronavirus pandemic impacts on retirement security

SECURE Act 2.0

Implications of raising required minimum distribution age

ESG in 401(k) plans

Auto-transfer of 401(k) plans

Doctoral Student Research Grants

IWI supports innovation in our profession by providing doctoral student grants in the amount of US$5,000 for research relevant to investment consulting, private wealth management, retirement, and retirement-income planning.

Grant proposals are accepted for consideration on a continual basis and reviewed by the editorial advisory boards of the Journal of Investment Consulting and Retirement Management Journal. The boards review all submitted proposals and select and fund those with the greatest relevance to investment advisors.

The deliverable is a paper submitted for publishing consideration by the appropriate publication’s editorial advisory board, which will evaluate all resulting paper submissions via a double-blind review process.

Learn More About Journal of Investment Consulting Grants
Learn More About Retirement Management Journal Grants

Sharing an Article?

Understand IWI’s reprint permission policy.

IWI members are permitted to reprint articles from our publications without obtaining specific permission for the following uses:

  • Electronic posting of article PDF on a password-protected website

  • Electronic or hard-copy reprint of an article

  • Distribution via email to clients

  • Posting on social media platforms

Investments & Wealth Institute publications are copyrighted. Articles may be reprinted only with the permission of Investments & Wealth Institute and must include appropriate attribution.

Non-members must request permission by submitting the Reprint Permission Form to Debbie Nochlin, Editorial Director.

Email: dnochlin@i-w.org

Fax: 1+ 303-770-1812

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