Empowering Women in Finance: IWI's 100-Day Scholarship Initiative

Posted by Allison Edmondson, Director of Communications

Aug 2, 2021 3:00:00 PM

Denver, CO — August 2, 2021 — The Investments & Wealth Institute recently announced a new 100-Day Women in Wealth Scholarship Giveaway. Despite recent strides, it’s no secret that the financial services industry is very male dominated.  To help women excel, thrive and expand their representation in the industry, the Institute will award 100 Women in Wealth a certification-based scholarship over the next 100 days.
The Women in Wealth Initiative helps provide the tools, community, and resources that help to accelerate women in achieving senior-level leadership positions in the industry.
“Our scholarship initiative has proven to work at moving the needle and provide women professional development opportunities,” remarked Chris Wright, Director of Professional Development, Investments & Wealth Institute.  Adding, “in 2020, the Scholarship Fund's inaugural year, we awarded 38% of our scholarships to women. Additionally, we have increased the percentage of women applying for the Institute’s advanced certification by 29% in 2021, tangible results towards helping to create more pathways to senior-level leadership roles in the industry.”
A recent study conducted by Avado found that female respondents were 15% more likely to have taken a free course than their male counterparts during the pandemic. Additionally, employers were eight percent more likely to fund men’s professional development endeavors. Even when they did pay for women’s learning, they spent 10% more on men than women.
“The Institute wants to even that playing field and create a gateway for more firms and women because certifications are a resume gamechanger. Our Women in Wealth Scholarship invests in deserving professionals elevate their expertise and better serve their clients,” said Cindy Chaifetz, chief marketing officer. “The Women in Wealth Initiative celebrates the achievements of women across the profession. We want to promote the inspiring women of our industry and provide the tools, programs, and resources to help women navigate, grow and excel in the industry,” continued Chaifetz.
“Studies continue to show that certifications make an impact, amplifying skillsets, showcasing perseverance, determination, and providing a layer of expertise, strategic insights, and techniques that produce greater outcomes,” said Wright. Adding, “the research  indicates the average AUM of those who hold advanced-level certifications in our industry is higher than those who don’t hold a certification. This is why the Institute is proud to be expanding its efforts to help lift women and create meaningful career development opportunities.”


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