CIMA® Certification Exam Topics: What to Expect
The Certified Investment Management Analyst® (CIMA®) curriculum and exam concentrate on your ability to apply a balance of theory and practical knowledge to provide insightful guidance, portfolio construction, portfolio management, and risk management for individual and institutional clients.
What Is the CIMA® Certification Exam Format?
The CIMA® certification exam is proctored, and you can take it online or in person. Either way, when you schedule your exam, you’ll want to plan for a full day.

How Do CIMA® Certification Exam Questions Evaluate My Knowledge?
The questions on the CIMA® certification exam are multiple choice—a format that enables broad representation of the certification curriculum while testing your knowledge and skills at various levels.
Recall questions test your ability to recognize and remember specific facts, generalizations, theories, and principles.
Application questions draw on your ability to use what you know in different situations.
Analysis questions tap into your ability to synthesize what you know and come up with effective solutions, make judgements, or recommend a course of action.
Learn More About How CIMA® Exams Are Developed